Homes have not been replaced, the corruption in a failed November 2010 Election is creating unrest among the population, the AID that was given has trickled in at a snails pace. Many donors don't trust the government to use the AID correctly, and so are apprehensive about the release of money.
As I traveled through the north side of Port Au Prince viewing the 1000's of stick & tarp covered shanties, and tents it's staggering to look at...even more today than 6 months ago. According to former President Bill Clinton, the UN envoy to Haiti, progress is being made, but admits progress is to slow.
Haiti has been in crisis for a long time and that will not change soon. The coverage on the news is active again at this 1 year anniversary, but that will go away again like it did before.
That is a fairly grim way to start a Haiti update but it is the reality of where Haiti as a country is today. But the facts are too disturbing to ignore.
I just arrived home from Haiti yesterday after a trip with Pastors, Paul Galbraith, and Wes Ireton. We had a great opportunity to help the Haitians in the north end of Gonaives Haiti, by installing 2 more water purification system. 1 was installed at Luc's home and the other at Ireton House. This is great for them, but just as importantly, how it affects all the surrounding families who now come to them for drinking water. This is reaching out to neighbors and helping in the name of Jesus.
Wes Ireton (grandson of Jess & Dorie Ireton) & Luc Joseph install the signs above the entrance of each Building, honoring their commitment to Christ and the role they have played in lives of many associated with this work in Haiti.
Cholera hit the country in October and is still a major threat, that will be with them for years to come, medical reports indicate 3 years minimum to see improvement. With over 20,000 known infections to date and 3000 dead in 3 months the toll could be high from this water borne disease.
God prompted me many years ago that we needed to Provide the Living water of Jesus Christ and as well the clean water that these systems represent. We desire to see that come to pass in the months ahead, out of the 11 sites that we are working we have 3 systems in place to date.
Below are some pictures of the installation and training of Clean water systems we installed.
MacDonalds teaching some of the older boys of the Orphanage.
Luc & Macdonalds checking the water after chlorination.
Within 24hrs of Chlorination there is no taste of the chlorination.
Children of Christ Compassion Orphanage gather the night before Paul & Wes leave, for time of worship and picture viewing. Great fun!
God is in control and we are not to lament over the state of the country of Haiti however you and I have a responsibility to make a difference in the lives of those who we can help.
Prayerfully consider your part in Haiti's future.