Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Economic Situation Is Difficult In Moulin Haiti!

I received the below e-mail from Pastor Luc Joesph today Nov. 23th 2013. The village Moulin is a remote mountain village in the north western region of Haiti. The Pastor Imfranc is in need of help. Please read and pray if God would have you to respond to this urgent need. It is our desire that all churches and schools be self supporting but this is not always possible in hard economic times.

I H S,

Max R Wright


Update we are please to say that a group covered the needs for 6 months Praise God!

Dear my friends, please pray for  the church and school of Moulin, the situation economic very difficult, this school  effective 130 kids and 4 teachers and 1 director no support of kids not access for school the kids, working  2 hours  every day, no food  imagine the situation in the mountains for the kids in areas. please pray  for the needs $500 every monthly the support of Pastor Imfranc for the Church & School.

God bless you.
Pastor Luc Joseph

 Some Photo's of Moulin Church Time Line
Pastor Imfranc 2007

Moulin Church started in February 2007

Pastor Imfranc in Prayer November 2009

School Children Moulin Church
School Children in front of Church/School Nov. 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ministry in Haiti has been going forward in 2013 Praise God!

Sorry for the failure to keep you posted via the Haiti Blog for a long time. However for some reason I have not been able to log into the Blogger account for a long time .... however it appears that has change. Technology is wonderful when it works when it doesn't it's a little frustrating.

In 2013 we have had some good thing happening.

In February Pastor Luc, Pastor Maula, Brian Easley, Brad Gray, Macdo and Myself made a trip to Dominican Republic  after we had a wonderful Pastors Conference in Gonaives. both were very successful.

During our trip to Dominican we had 6 people accept Christ. Praise God.

Pastor Paul Galbraith BCC, lead a team back in April and then another team doing VBS in July. again in August an Evangelism team with real success.

As I write  in November Pastor Paul has a team doing Medical missions in Haiti this week as well as a couple of men building Bee Hives to gather Honey and promote pollination of the garden.

Wow, a lot has gone on this year, and God's hand is guiding.

Thankful for all who have gone to help and the leader who have invested in the ministry.

God Bless