Sorry for the failure to keep you posted via the Haiti Blog for a long time. However for some reason I have not been able to log into the Blogger account for a long time .... however it appears that has change. Technology is wonderful when it works when it doesn't it's a little frustrating.
In 2013 we have had some good thing happening.
In February Pastor Luc, Pastor Maula, Brian Easley, Brad Gray, Macdo and Myself made a trip to Dominican Republic after we had a wonderful Pastors Conference in Gonaives. both were very successful.
During our trip to Dominican we had 6 people accept Christ. Praise God.
Pastor Paul Galbraith BCC, lead a team back in April and then another team doing VBS in July. again in August an Evangelism team with real success.
As I write in November Pastor Paul has a team doing Medical missions in Haiti this week as well as a couple of men building Bee Hives to gather Honey and promote pollination of the garden.
Wow, a lot has gone on this year, and God's hand is guiding.
Thankful for all who have gone to help and the leader who have invested in the ministry.
God Bless