Thursday, March 22, 2012

Church Planting and Leadership Training

Church Planting and Leadership Training are at the Heart of what World Renewal International is about. Haiti is no exception to that focus, in the last 4 months World Renewal - Haiti partners have planted 3 churches. That's wonderful, but the great news is that in the last 2 weeks 120 people have made Jesus Christ their savior!

New church in Cite Seide

Pastor Benedin and his wife
The fist week in March a national leader team went into the mountain areas of Saint Michel for evangelism. The fruits of that trip are wonderful. The two pictures are from the new church in Cite Seide (pronounced "City Side") in the Saint Michel Area.  The pastor is Pastor Benedin and his wife.  The evangelism in preparation for this church brought 74 people to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Fond Alzan Church

Pastor Dueukisel and his wife

The following week-end in March the leadership team went out to reach another village for Christ. The two pictures are of the second church plant which is in Fond Alzan, which is close to Manchand.  The pastor is Pastor Dueukisel and his wife.  The evangelism in preparation for this church brought 46 people to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

God is working in the lives of the Haitian people. as you can see the church structures are modest by American standards, but the Love of Jesus is Strong. Pray that these 120 people will be grow into fully devoted followers of Jesus.
Changing One Heart One life at a Time!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7 2012 Haiti Update

God is working! Pastor Luc is excited for this month of ministry as he continues evangelizing and will plant two new churches very soon. Also, construction of the Gonaives church is going well. Pastor Luc left today on an evangelism trip in preparation for another church plant, pray that God will prepare hearts for the people they come in contact with them.

God has also provided the resources and land for Christ Compassion Orphanage to begin farming and training the children on agricultural skills. The purchase of the initial land God led us to pursue was not completed, as the wife of the landowner refused to sign the land deed. We believed God was leading us to something better, and God is faithful. Pastor Luc has agreed to a deal for another plot of land, telling us that this land is larger, has better soil, and has access to an existing water source. We praise God for His work!

Finally, Pastor Paul Galbraith (Brandywine Community Church) will be leading a team of six people, Jeff and Aaron Godbey, Beth Hartman, Justine Campbell, and Samantha Frazier, to Gonaives March 20th-29th to host a medical clinic at Christ Compassion Orphanage. They will partner with a local Haitian doctor in Gonaives to administer vaccines and health exams to the children at Christ Compassion Orphanage and people in the community. We are very excited to serve the children and adults in Gonaives, and ask that you consider partnering with this team in prayer and action.

Please Pray For:

1) God’s provision for all the needed medicines and resources for the clinic

2) God to be glorified in every aspect of the medical clinic

3) Those seeking medical care would receive physical and spiritual healing

Also, you can partner with this team by providing any of the following items:

1) Children’s Motrin-Chewable Tablets (50 Count)

2) Children’s Tylenol-Chewable Tablets (50 Count)

3) Tylenol 325mg or 500mg (200 Count)

4) Ibuprofen 200mg (200 Count)

5) Financial Contributions to cover vaccines for children and in-country medical purchases.

*Donations can be dropped off at World Renewal International or Brandywine Community Church by Friday, March 16th. Financial contributions can be sent to World Renewal International by Friday, March 16th with a note attached saying “Haiti Medical Team”.