Thursday, March 22, 2012

Church Planting and Leadership Training

Church Planting and Leadership Training are at the Heart of what World Renewal International is about. Haiti is no exception to that focus, in the last 4 months World Renewal - Haiti partners have planted 3 churches. That's wonderful, but the great news is that in the last 2 weeks 120 people have made Jesus Christ their savior!

New church in Cite Seide

Pastor Benedin and his wife
The fist week in March a national leader team went into the mountain areas of Saint Michel for evangelism. The fruits of that trip are wonderful. The two pictures are from the new church in Cite Seide (pronounced "City Side") in the Saint Michel Area.  The pastor is Pastor Benedin and his wife.  The evangelism in preparation for this church brought 74 people to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Fond Alzan Church

Pastor Dueukisel and his wife

The following week-end in March the leadership team went out to reach another village for Christ. The two pictures are of the second church plant which is in Fond Alzan, which is close to Manchand.  The pastor is Pastor Dueukisel and his wife.  The evangelism in preparation for this church brought 46 people to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

God is working in the lives of the Haitian people. as you can see the church structures are modest by American standards, but the Love of Jesus is Strong. Pray that these 120 people will be grow into fully devoted followers of Jesus.
Changing One Heart One life at a Time!

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