Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Church July 2009

(Saint Michelle Area of Haiti)
Camathe Church

Many people in USA when thinking of a church building often think of a nice white building with a tall steeple on top.
There many churches around the world that would fit that description but many more that would not.

When people gather in Christ name no matter where, he will come and dwell with us
Sunday people gathered in this little palm branch hut.
In services July 4-5th 2009 25-30 people ask for forgiveness of their sins and accepted Christ as their Savior.

Pastor & Wife of Camathe Church

Temporary Benches & Palm Roof.
When it rains as it did during these services Saturday nite it's almost as wet inside as it is outside.
The church needs $1200 to install corrugated metal roof and make more comfortable benches. I'm sure these are a little uncomfortable for a 3 hr service

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